How to Efficiently Sort Your Emails with SaneBox: A Personal Journey

Follow a journalist’s transformative journey with SaneBox, an AI-powered email tool. Discover how priority filtering, decluttering, and more enhance productivity.

5 min readAug 3, 2023
Photo by sue hughes on Unsplash

Managing my inbox has always felt like taming an unruly beast. With emails flooding in from different sources — ranging from crucial work updates, newsletters, promotional offers, to family updates — the simple task of managing email was turning into an uphill battle. The sheer volume of emails started impacting my productivity as I was spending more time sifting through emails than working on pressing matters.

This was an ongoing struggle in my life. I wasn’t even aware how much this affected my productivity — until I stumbled upon SaneBox. Marketed as an AI-powered tool that prioritizes important emails and declutters the rest, it appeared as a potential game-changer for my email management struggle. I decided to give it a shot, starting with a SaneBox Review of its features and functions.

Unboxing SaneBox: A Rundown of Features

SaneBox offers a host of intriguing features, each designed to alleviate a specific email management pain point. Here’s a glimpse:

